
Thursday, November 7, 2019


Today we did a activity and it was Tangrams was and what we do in adding fractions we have to get the right fractions and the high score only goes up to 10. Here is the link to the game.

Today we had to comment to kawakawa primary school and the class that I commented on was Room 1. After that we had to put it on our blog and we had to put in the labels


Today we were doing a poem and it was called Rhymes and what we did was that we had to find rhyming words and the rhyming words were telly, belly, Shelly, smelly, deli, Kelly, Nellie. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Monday, October 21, 2019

Pie Chart

Today room 5 was doing a pie chart but the first thing we had to do was play a game and the game was called reading pie charts. After we finished the game we had to go on google sheets and then we had to write the colours sheet a and we also had to write the numbers on sheet b. Next we had to get a pie chart and after we got a pie chart we had to change the colour.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Word Cline - Happy

Today the class and I were doing another word Cline and we had to either chose hot, cold, sad, happy, Certain, said, afraid, tall or short. After that we had to make a blog past about or word Cline and the we had to do the labels and the tittle.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

5-7-10 The Glass House

Today we have done a problem and a solution writing and it is called the glass house. On our google drive we had to write a story and it had to be something about the image and it even had to interesting story too.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Word Cline - Long

Today we had to do another word Cline and in the word Cline we had to do one word that we haven't done and the words had to be interesting words.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Math - Monster

Today I was playing math-monster and I got all of my timetables right. 

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Reciprocal Teaching-Dangerous Cargo

Today my group was doing reciprocal reading and in reciprocal teaching one of us had to be the teacher and the book that we were reading was the Dangerous cargo and it was a good book too. What we had to do was one of us had to be a teacher and the first teacher was Ms Kirkpatrick and it was fun.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Read Theory

Monday, August 12, 2019

fractions Splat

Today in class we were going a math game and it was called fractions splat and my best reprisal was 260. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Word Cline - Small

Today the class and I were doing a word Cline and the word Cline that I was doing was small. When we do the word Cline we had to try to make it small, smaller and smallest but the other people done a different and they must of done big or fast or the one as mine. After the we had to put it on our blog. When we putted it on our blog we had to write a sentences.